To provide higher education especially to unprivileged and downtrodden masses in this continuously draught prone area.
The Institution aims to provide knowledge for empowermentof rural youth through higher education, enabling them to develop asintellectually alive, socially responsible citizens ever ready forcontinuous personal and professional growth to inculcate social,moral and spiritual values. Further, to provide wide range ofprofessional and vocational courses besides conventional ones tomeet the challenging needs.
• To promote the use of technology and introduce changing educational, social and global scenario. • To empower the women to face the challenge of new era. To bridge up gap between rural and urban disparity. To create an awareness of environment. • To bring about an intellectual awakening, to impart value basededucation. To aim at overall personality development of students fraternity through extracurricular activities in association with various culturaland social organization. • To provide a platform to the students by giving them an opportunity to face the challenge of competitive world with utmost utilization of their potential in sports, athletics and other events.